The totalize mode registers a precise total count. Use the totalize mode for cumulative totals and stopwatch (timer) applications. Meter up-counts (positive scale factor) or down-counts (negative scale factor).

To use the meter as a totalizer permanently, set the function to totAL and store the change in nonvolatile memory (to retain the change if power loss occurs). The meter defaults to the up-count mode. To count down, use a negative scale factor and a positive offset (display = input x scale + offset).

In case of power failure, if the S1-10 switch is set to open the meter blanks the display and stores the latest reading in nonvolatile memory.

You are totalizing pulses from a flowmeter which generates 25 pulses per gallon. To show the total value in gallons:
* Set the meter to the totalize mode.
* Use divide (IN /SC) by 25 as a scale factor
* Store set up information in nonvolatile memory.

Refer to Table 6-1 for summary list of menu configurations.

Follow these steps for the above example:
1. Press the MENU button. The meter shows "Func".

2. Press the SET button until the meter flashes "totAL".

3. Press the MENU button. The meter shows "SCALE".

4. Press the SET button. The meter shows "IN .SC" or "IN/SC", with the multiply (.) or divide by (/) symbol flashing. Press the SET button until the meter shows "IN/SC".

NOTE: Use multiply (.) when scale factor is less than 1, use divide by (/) when scale factor (or pulses/units) are greater than 1.

5. Press the ADV button. The meter shows actual scale value, with left-most digit flashing.

6. Press the SET button to enter 25.0000 as the digit's value. Press the ADV button to scroll horizontally through the display. Press the SET button to change the flashing digit's value or flashing decimal point position.

7. Once the meter shows "25.0000", press the MENU button to store the value. The meter shows "OFFSEt". In most up-count applications "OFFSEt = 0", which means the meter will RESET to 0.

8. Press the MENU button again to show "dEC Pt". This is the measurement decimal point, not the scale value decimal point.

9. Press the SET button to show either "AUto" or currently set decimal point (decimal point flashes). Press the ADV button (if required) to change from "Auto" to "F.FFFFF".

10. Press the SET button until the meter shows "FFFFFF" to read in whole gallons or "FFFFF.F" to read in tenths of a gallon.

11. Press the MENU button to save this decimal point to volatile memory. The meter will show "CONfIG".

12. Press the MENU button until the meter shows "noStor".

13. Press the SET button. The meter shows "StorE".

14. Press the MENU button. If signal were connected to the input, the meter would begin counting input pulses.

NOTE: Press the RESET button at any time to cause the meter to start counting with the latest changes in effect, but these changes will not automatically be stored in the nonvolatile memory.

To use the stopwatch (timer) in the totalize mode, close S1-4 and S1-9 jumpers to connect 120/100 Hz (twice the line frequency) to the input.

Use the following scale factors:
* For readings in seconds, divide by 120 (or 100)
* For readings in minutes and fractions of a minute, divide by 7,200 (or 6,000)
* For readings in hours and fractions of an hour, divide by 432,000 (or 360,000) (for example: 12.65 hours)

Use external gate input (TB2-5) to stop and start the timer. The meter increments when the Ext. Gate input is high, or open. A contact closure between pins TB2-5 and TB2-3 will stop the timer.

To count down: Use a negative scale factor (reading = input x scale + offset) and a positive offset (if an offset is required). Press the RESET button to cause the counter to begin counting down from the offset. After reaching zero, the counter continues to count down negative numbers.
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